(218) 220-7290 | katieslack23@gmail.com

Birth Services
This describes the primary birth package my doula partner Lisa Fletcher and I offer.
See About Katie for more information.
Pregnancy is a meaningful, significant time, and one in which many appreciate preparing and making plans for this new human and their new life together. Pregnancy can also come with its own challenges, and extended support and resources in this time can be key.
Our birth package includes 2 prenatal visits, which gives us a chance to get to know each other, to discuss your hopes and values regarding your birth and life with your newborn, to walk through your preferences and create a birth plan, to talk through your questions and address any worries or fears, and to practice coping techniques and strategies, and to plan for postpartum.
We are also available to you 24/7 for emotional support.
Labor & Birth
From the moment you first wonder "Is it time?" through the golden hours after your birth, you will know you're not alone.
In early labor, we will keep in consistent contact, and will be ready to join you as soon as you want us with you. We remain with you throughout your labor and birthing time, providing continuous one-on-one support and care. We will support you with ideas for positions to promote a smoother labor, encourage your coping, tend to the nourishment and wellbeing of you and your partner, offer physical and emotional support, and talk through any questions and support your voice being heard throughout your birth.
After baby is born, we stay with you until you are feeling settled with your new baby.
We can also take photos/video as desired.
Our support continues into your postpartum time as you navigate the waters of healing, processing your birth, and parenting this brand new human.
Our birth package includes 2 postpartum visits. During these visits, we will take time to reflect on your birth story, answering any questions you have from your birth and processing your story. In our time together, we also will offer feeding support, discuss questions you have regarding your healing or newborn care, talk through tips or ideas for tending to your newborn, process the transition to parenthood, connect you with further resources as needed, and offer a variety of care to support your ongoing healing and thriving as a family.
For further postpartum care, including added day or overnight hours, follow this link.
Birth Package - Prenatal, Labor & Birth, Postpartum included | $1800
This pricing reflects the primary birth package with myself and my partner Lisa Fletcher, of Seven Gates Birth. See About Katie for more information about our partnership.
Pricing is negotiable - reach out to chat more about options
Spiritual & Ritual
Pregnancy and birth are transformative times in our lives. Many people feel a deep pull and connection to something other, something deeper, something beyond themselves during this time. I am here to hold space for you as you explore, to offer guidance or wisdom as is fitting, and to honor your sacred travels. I can also facilitate a Birth Blessing Ceremony (akin to the traditional Navajo Blessingway) or other ceremonies. Reach out to discuss what this support can look like for you.
Sibling Doula
Support for your older child or children in this time of transition in their family. Includes an in-home prenatal visit to get to know your family, learn your wishes for your birth and how you may want them involved (if applicable), and time building a relationship with your child(ren). Discussion on how to prepare your child(ren) for birth and postpartum, including suggestions of developmentally appropriate videos, books, and other resources. Continuous support of your child(ren) during labor and birth. | $1000